Wednesday Wine & Write

I hate my hair.
Those damned kinky, clustered, bouncy curls
That sprout out of my scalp 
And spring spirals. 
I can't stand those voluptuous waves that cascade,
God-given and uniquely ours.
Thick as princesses luxurious tresses
Oh, how I hate them.
With texture and shine 
That speaks Of my style,
And body that most girls would pay for.
It's those baby nap edges,
Tangled tendrils' caresses
Delirious locks that shoot skyward
That identify me
As a glorified queen,
That scream my uniqueness,
And paints the portrait of imperfect
From my roots to my smile,
I embody my power
And my curls are the reason I am me. 

Glenfiddich 12 (I cheated tonight ;)


  1. I really like and can identify with the mood of this poem

    1. Thank you! We all have those features we don't always love. Working on embracing 'em =)


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