Wednesday Wine & Write

This piece is dedicated to Mr. A - one of the finest men I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. 

I pity the poor,
The broken and unfelt. 
I sorrow my friend, 
whose eyesight has been blurred blue. 
Whose perception has been skewed 
& who probably won't remember the swirling, 
biting bitter episodes upcoming. 
This is an unnatural truth,
Solemnity of which can be no lesser burden to the poor.
The world seems changed...
I wish I could say 'Smile',  
But Her heart was misplaced, 
somewhere hardly found & uneasily reached. 
But ever-present -  unbeknownst to the fragile, 
weeping petals of children sorely missed. 
Of that child, 
whose wilted plea falls delicately upon her lips.. "Daddy".
Who had left w us a sense of soul.
A sense of self instilled in her,

To be kind & worthy and to work diligently.
She will forever shine bright in his eyes,
Remember that on sight of starry sparkling nights. 
Her father raised a fighter,
He had given her his heart of gold
And with it she will reach all pinnacles and people desired.
Speak to him whenever missed.
Seek solace in the night, 
As long as you are smiling, 
You will always be his pride. 

Trapiche Malbec
