Monday Musing
Late post.. A lot of crazy shit went down this year - Harambe (sorry, PETA), Muhammad Ali dying, Flynt's water crisis, Black Lives Matter taking off in momentum, and Donald Trump was elected President of the United Godforsaken States. That is still insane to hear aloud. Mulatto. Democrat. Female. I don't exactly fit the demographic Trump was aiming for but I was unprepared for the amount of people who landed in his camp. "Unprepared" could easily be replaced with "horrified/revolted/paralyzed with trepidation". The KKK were given a second wind (I nearly missed 'em in my lifetime! What a treat), the embodiment of the American woman was put back into her 80's secretary ensemble, and it was re-instilled in each of us that America is for everyone except Muslims and Mexicans. One thing that was particularly tough for me to digest was when facts stopped mattering. Rationality & logic quickly followed. 2016's current president-elect literally ...